So, I've been tagged a few times and haven't had time to do it. Now I do! One was to mention 20 things about my day. Hmmmm......I guess I can do that.
1. I am sitting watching The Lake House with Payton. It is a confusing movie. Poor Pay, she is asking lots of questions, but I am not really watching the show. I'm blogging!!!!
2. We swam at the Chapman's pool tonight. Robert tried to get me to practice diving but I refused. I can't dive! I am too afraid! Never have done it, probably never will!
3. I made sloppy jo's, fruit salad, and potato chips for dinner. I am loving the 99cent trays I bought at Wal-Mart for the kids. It makes me put more than one thing on their plate for dinner! (Ya, I know it isn't the healthiest meal, but my kids love it!)
4. We had a nail painting fest this afternoon. Yesterday we went to Wal-Mart and I let the kids each pick out their own, new color. Avery picked out sparkly pink, Payton picked a bright pink, and Owen chose blue (Yes, I paint his finger and toe nails, but only BSU colors of course!)
5. I drank a Dr. Pepper......I am addicted!
6. I ran this morning. I did 5 miles and tempo ran 2 of them. I was digging Pay's tunes on her ipod. Thanks for sharing Pay.
7. I couldn't get Owen to nap . He didn't nap yesterday either. What's up? Does this mean his napping days are over? Say it isn't so........
8. I had a bad head-ache ( I never get head-aches) and had to lie down for an hour. After that, it was gone!
9. Avery had swim lessons this morning. Robert took the kids so I could get some grading done. I am a little behind, always!
10. I talked to some of my favorite people on the phone today, Mal, Molly, Britt and my dad.
11. I pulled my hair back in two, teeny, tiny pony tails.
12. I didn't do any laundry, and it needed to be done.
13. I told my husband a secret about me.
14. I didn't make the beds.
15. I found Robert's missing Ipod.
16. I sat on the front porch with the kids and their neighborhood friends. I love the little world they live in. The topics of conversation.....Corbin Blue is coming to our fair, they want to have a big, water balloon fight, stick horses rule.
17. I read some articles on Hood to Coast. I really need to get my rear in gear for the big race next month.
18. I said my prayers.
19. The girls played store and took all my clothes and shoes out of my closet and lined them up in Owen's room. That was a big, fat mess I wasn't too happy about!
20. Avery and I practiced writing her name several times. She can do it. It is sloppy and large, but legible!
There ya have it! Nothing too exciting, but a pretty good day.