Pay has a crush on a boy in her class. His name is Dallas, and I must admit, he is a cutie. They were in Kindergarten and 1st grade together. The other day Payton asked if we could call Dallas sometime and have a play date. So, I know he's been on her mind. Well, tonight we were out getting our camp trailer loaded up for tomorrow. The kids were in their pajamas and playing in the driveway. Guess who pulls up? Yes, Dallas! He was so funny. He was so nervous that he walked quickly up to Robert. He handed him an invitation and then walked right off. Pay was so nervous too! It was hilarious. I wish I had a camera to take a pic. of the look on her face when she noticed it was him. She was in shock mode! She didn't even say, "hello." She walked up to me and hid her face in my chest. Robert and I looked at each other and tried hard not to laugh. I walked over to the car to say hello to Dallas' mom and she and her other kids in the car were laughing. So, Payton will get to see her man this summer, next week to be exact, at his birthday party! Dallas and Payton sitting in a tree......... Her first much fun!