Bob- The kids were so excited to pick out your gifts. Just look at Avery showing her mad love for ya!
Hiding them for you to find is always a favorite thing of theirs.
Oh, and helping you open them is a big treat too!
I mean, I couldn't tell who was more excited for your gifts, Owen or yourself!
But, hopefully you'll know that their excitement stems from the fact that they love you so.
They've, each and every one of them, been Daddy's girls and boy.
Yes, you're their favorite. Owen's screaming fit in Sacrament meeting when you went up to pass the sacrament today was just another indicator. "I want my dad!" he yelled, screamed and cried for the entire congregation to hear. Nothing I could do would console him. I really appreciated everyone coming up to me afterwards and saying what a daddy's boy he is.
I have a few things to say to you about that...........
Thank you!
I love you!
Happy Father's Day!