Kylan, Danette, and Keion came to Idaho to visit for 10 days. They had a graduation barbecue last week in Twin Falls for Kylan. He graduated from Medical school and now has five years of Residency in Michigan. We don't get to see them nearly as much as we would like. So, we were happy that they came and stayed with us for a few days before they flew back home. I can't tell you how nice it was to have them here. My kids adore Keion and had fun playing with him. He is such a well mannered, good kid. The night before they left, Payton cried because she didn't want Keion to go. She woke up super early the next day (on her own at 5:30 a.m.) and rode with her dad to take them to the airport. She cried the next night too, saying she missed them.
I missed them too. Danette mowed our lawn, cleaned my kitchen, did my girl's hair, and helped me learn new things to do on my blog. We even put Kylan's Dr. skills to work while he was here. He looked at Avery's hurt arm (diagnosis, everything's fine, just a lot of drama from that child!) He used his tool (I don't know the technical term for it) to look in Owen's ear for an infection. The little guy has been very fussy and not sleeping, so we thought he might have an ear infection. So, Petersons you were a delight to have stay. Please come back again soon! We love you guys!