Pay is leaving tomorrow to go camping with Grandma and Grandpa and the fabulous McBride clan. She's been packed for over a week, and it is all she can think and talk about. All I can think about is how sad I am she is leaving me for three days and wondering how in the WORLD I am going to survive without her?!
I mean, who is going to lead the kids in fun games like "Let's make a rock band?"
or house......their all-time favorite!
Or help with the babies at Roaring Springs...
Or chase the kids around the house, making sure they brush their teeth and get dressed for the day.
Or hold, swim with, and take care of the kids at the water park.
Or keep the kids busy with adventures like, lemonade stands.
or simple, fun, made-up games like this?
Oh, and I really need to know, who are they going to crawl into bed and snuggle and sleep with?
Boy will I be missing my biggest girl.
Who I rely on probably way more than I should. The one I thank the good Lord for sending me....every, single day.
I love ya, Pay.
I hope you know that YOU'RE the glue holding this mama together. I promise to try hard not to miss you too much and somehow get along without you, but I'm quite sure.....
It's going to be impossible!