Sunday, October 4, 2009

Missing... Book Club

So, I finished my book last week.
It was cold and windy outside.
The kids were playing in their new spot under the stairs,
so I snuck up and snuggled in Pay's pillow filled bed,
and READ!

I might have fallen asleep too.
At least that's how Robert found me when he arrived home from work.
I opened my eyes to find him staring at me, wearing a crooked smile.
You know, the, "So this is the life you live while I'm slaving away at work all day?" look.

Anyway, I sadly finished the book. Sad because now it's over.
Currently I'm speaking and writing as if I lived in Guernsey.
How does that happen?
What's wrong with me?
It's absolutely ridiculous how overcome and involved I become in a good book.

So, it's no surprise that my thoughts are on Guernsey, the characters, the author, etc.
My mind is racing, and I am making all kinds of connections.
For example, remember how I commented on my last book post that the story reminded me of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales?
Well right there on page 243, just about 30 pages from the finish, it's mentioned.
Yup, discussed at the Society and referenced as Sidney's favorite book.

Aah haaaaa... a light went on.
I knew I had a connection to this author and book.
I became giddy and looked her up, you know, did a little google research.
You bet, she majored in Medieval Lit.
Medieval Lit. the genre that finally awakened my senses as a learner of Lit. at USU!
Guernsey has sure left me pondering.
Which really makes me miss book club,
and long for discussion, delicious food, and wonderful company.

Some day my life will allow time for book club again, right?
Oh, I can only hope.
Until then, I'll briefly blog about the books that take a hold of me and carry me away.
All I know right now is......
This grey, rainy, too cool weather, makes me long for another.

(Bob just came in and read my post. He laughed out loud at how ridiculous, dramatic and nerdy it is. "Ridiculous, Dramatic and Nerdy,"......he knows and describes me so well!)