...and that's Bob's new term of endearment!
For 4 months this pregnancy thing has really been a breeze. I wasn't sick, laying in bed nauseous, or throwing up on a whim, like when prego with the girls. All was well, you know, me super excited to finally be pregnant. Then BAM, just like that, "Mama gettin' big!" It's like it happened over night. I'm sporting a big belly, gaining weight, feeling it in my face, sleeping restlessly at night, and enduring the heart burn. So, here we go, embarking on the last 4 months. The ones I dread! Oh, Mama Mia!
I watched Oliver this week. It was exactly what I needed. An awesome reminder of why we do this to ourselves.
Look at the adorable, little peanut.
I couldn't get enough of him.
Owen was so excited when Oliver FINALLY opened his eyes and awoke from dream land. Until then it was, "Mom, just wake him up. Mom, I want to play with Oliver. Mom, when is he going to be awake? Mom, why is he STILL sleeping?" Owen has a lot to learn about newborns.
Little man, I know you're anxious to be a big brother. Four more months, my boy. Believe me, I want it to fly by as quickly as you do. Let's make a wish and cross our fingers tightly that June will come in a FLASH!
Big Mama