Monday, June 30, 2008


I read something on my friend's blog that really hit me. The words were so well written and absolutely true. After reading it, I sat and thought about my life and how many missed opportunities, disappointments, failed plans, broken relationships, bad decisions, etc. that could have been avoided had I been patient. Too many times in my life I have wanted things to be perfect and when they were not, I wanted to scream, run, end things, give up, start new. How foolish that is. The most important things in life do not come to us quickly. Like the old saying says,"Good things take time." I notice when I am patient with my husband, my kids, my job, my friends, my family members, I feel, like the article says, less stressed and more joyful. I vow to be more patient with all that life unravels in front of me, and I will be crossing my fingers that the world will be patient with me!

I would encourage you to read the article below. I bet you too will feel the world would be a better place if we would all strive to be more patient!

Willingness to Wait
Delivered By: Lloyd D. Newell
A young woman decided to plant a flower bed, determined to make it lush and overflowing. She planted numerous seedlings side by side until the bed was full. But instead of thriving, her garden died. If she had given her seedlings room to grow at their own rate, eventually they would have filled her garden with glorious flowers. But because she was not willing to wait for her plants, she lost their potential.
How often we try to rush our own growth—and the growth of those around us—instead of letting time bring the desired results. Too quickly we get discouraged, forgetting to take the long view, forgetting that all of us are works in progress. As our own worst critics, we sometimes give up on ourselves just as we reach the brink of progress.
Patience is essential if we are to enjoy the best life has to offer: happy marriages, fulfilling careers, developed talents, peace and contentment. Without patience, we rip open the bud, forever robbed of a blooming flower. Without patience, we fail to forgive and deny ourselves loving relationships. Without patience, we cannot conquer our own weaknesses and wind up avoiding anything we can’t do easily or quickly.
Patience is the loving restraint with which we watch a child try a new task—and try again. Patience with others is a form of charity, a loving willingness to wait. When we show faith that improvement will come, children and loved ones blossom with hope. Patience is giving power to others, letting them grow at their own pace.
When we choose to hold back a hasty judgment or pause before reacting, we step into a calmer sphere of peace and contentment. Our stress levels drop; our joy levels rise. And everyone around us feels the warmth of acceptance that allows growth to occur.
All beautiful gardens began as patches of soil. They became glorious only because someone was willing to wait.