Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 5

Day 5 produced one grumpy, tired, impatient mama.

Day 5 brought fighting, sad, irritable kids.

Day 5 delivered restless legs and a near anxiety attack for the one in the cage.

Day 5 rendered a flat tire.

Day 5 presented Max, filling the inside of my shoe with an enormous amount of puke.

Day 5 cultivated the realization that my much anticipated Logan Lady reunion, planned for over a year, in marvelous Monterey CA....for me, wasn't happenin'.

Day 5 provided the understanding that he would be home bound for three weeks with an open wound, hooked to a wound vac, IV antibiotics, and a daily visit (for his sake) from one HOT home health care nurse.

Day 5 brought a lot of whining, moaning, growling and complainin' to the "support system." (Sorry y'all.)

Finally, Day 5 devised a Simon Burch, overwhelmingly sad moment when the kids paused in the parking lot, jumping wildly, little arms a flappin', a sign to their dad, who stood alone in the window of the 5th floor lobby, blowing kisses, and waving "good bye."

Yup, past their bed time, three bawling kids, one sleeping baby, and an exhausted, teary eyed mama reluctantly climbed into the car and drove away begrudgingly, once again, without him.

Day 5 of Bob in medical lock down, in desperation for freedom outside poorly decorated, pastel painted OVER. Fortunately for us, it went down with the sun. Mal said there had to be a silver lining somewhere, and today, day 6.......this girl's determined to find it.

Thank you friends, family, and even jubilant baby Max, for gifting us "light moments"...... on a day full of heavies.

From Collages
Mr. Max's first love......tub time.