What have Robert and I been doing every night this Christmas break after the chilluns are fast asleep in their beds.......No, No, and No.....get your filthy minds out of the gutter peeps?!
We have been watching episodes of the ever so popular, fantastically humorous.....The Office.
We just finished season 2 late last night. Jim walked up to Pam and just flat out, no holding back, told her he LOVED her! Wow! Just when I thought it couldn't get any better than that, he found her later in the office, crying on the phone to her mother. He walked right up and started kissing her. That's right, just landed a long, romantic one, right on her. That's what I am talking about, Jim!
I know this episode catching up thing is really a huge time waster, but I did read that watching something "funny" boosts blood flow to the heart and is actually a helpful health tip! Seriously.....30 min. a day might just keep the Dr. away! Hmm.....then we'll just keep watching. Season 3....See ya tonight at about 10 p.m.!