Monday, January 18, 2010

It's A Boy!

This morning, around 9: 30 a.m., we all gathered round' in the small, crowded ultra sound room to hear, "It's A BOY!"

We all guessed it was so. No one was surprised.

The girls were sad, hoping for another sister.

Owen was glad, wanting a baby brother.

Bob swore he didn't care either way. "Are you nervous?" I asked him in the waiting room. "Why would I be nervous?" he replied. "I'll be happy either way." He acted cool as a cat. Please......the man is doing exhilarated air punches in his car all day long. I just know it!

Me, I secretly wanted a girl. I don't know if it is because I have loved my little ladies and one sweet boy, or that I know this will be our last, and it makes me sad that I won't get another girl. But, I am HAPPY! It really didn't matter, either way. I know this is best. Owen will get a brother. We'll even out the score, and it will sure help with the bedroom situation in our small but cozy home!

We all walked out of the waiting room and had a good chuckle after Payton announced, "Ozzie has arrived!"

You see, since I was the one to mention the name, Beckham to Aunt Karrie Jo and Uncle Aaron, and they loved it and ended up naming their first boy, Beckham, they feel inclined to name our next child. They sent Bob a text the other night...."How about Ozzie?!"

The scary thing is, we're calling this baby Ozzie. Bob was writing the name on a napkin at dinner the other night. Writing the name, oh, that is not a good sign. Ozzie? Really? All I can think of is Ozzie Osbourne, his posters lining the wall of my besties dark room in high school. His crazy music blaring on her stereo, and her dressing up as Ozzie for Halloween, you know, his name fake tattooed in between her knuckles. Oh, Trish, I get a good laugh just thinking of your crazy, fun self in high school!
Although I didn't know him at the time, Bob was a big fan of the man too. You can find some of his songs on our ipod still. Listening to them makes me shake my head and wonder how in the world he could be a fan of the madness. Sorry, Ozzie lovers!
Owen and Ozzie, I admit, it has a certain ring.....however, probably NOT going to be this baby's name. Sorry, Aaron and Karrie...keep trying! Time will tell what name transpires. For now, we can eliminate Lucy, Paige, Meg, and the many girl names we favored.
We're spreading the news......
It's A Boy!