Well, it isn't the Bahamas, and it is probably colder than it is here, but it is a little trip away. We are headed to Salt Lake City in just a few hours. I can't wait to come upon the Wasatch mountains. When they are snow capped......simply amazing! Mason, Robert's nephew has a hockey tournament there. Since they live in Denver, and we rarely get to see him play, we are excited for the opportunity. My kids have been anxiously waiting all week, "When do we get to go to Mason's hockey!?" Avery even included it in her prayers last night! So, if we can survive the 6 hour drive with the kids, I know we are going to have a screaming good time cheering for Mason and his team! Most of the McBride clan is coming to support him, even Danette is flying in from Michigan. We're happy to get to see her too! Oh, but I don't know, a bunch of us competitive, intense, rowdy, family members at a hockey game for one of OUR OWN.......it could get ugly! Hopefully there won't be any fights broken up off the ice!
Good times to be had.....