Owen uses pencils, pens, and kitchen utensils as players in his make-believe football games, cuz if my boy aint' outside playin' it, he's inside improvising!
I could be wrong, but I can't help but to think if I had a close up shot of Bob at this age, it would be identical to this one of Owen.
Leaning over the office counter, I quickly scribble my John Hancock across the volunteer badge before making my way into Avery's classroom for the afternoon.
Owen's K teacher happens to walk by.
"Mrs. H", I call.
Stopping, she turns in my direction.
Me: "How are you?"
Her: "Oh, good, thanks."
Me: "Great. How is Owen doing today?"
"Owen," she says, pausing....
then she slings,
"He's doing......... alright."
Just alright?
I'm standing there thinking of what to say next when she comes quickly towards me.
"Ya know, I've noticed he spends a lot of time twirling the back of his hair. It's become quite a habit."
Nodding, knowing she's right. I concur.
I'm stumped. This comment about his hair wasn't something I expected.
"Ya," I respond,
"We should probably just cut his hair," falls out of my mouth before I can catch it and shove it back in.
To that, she gives me the squint eyed, pierced lipped look, (the one that says, I think so, without saying anything at all) nods, and goes on her merry way.
Yup, you bet the over analyzer in me has been a mullin' over that one for the past few days!
I went through the ole' camera and found recent pics. of Owen sporting his mangy mop.
Fact of the matter is: I'm secretly digging his do.
However, after the incident in the hall with his K teacher, and comments here and there from others, I really have contemplated snipping his strands.
Ya see, one of my "problemos" is,
(I confess and Bob tactfully reminds)
I care TOO much what people think.
Then, today, while lazily enjoying my Sat. morning (the first one in months without an early morning soccer game),curled up on the couch wrapped in my favorite blanket, I was watching Andrew Luck's interview with my Logan Lady Stephanie's old crush, Steve Young, and Andrew said something that's sticking pleasantly with me, like the chorus of a good song.
"If you subscribe to what other people say, it just gets in your head.
I don't subscribe to what people say."
To that, I decreed,
Mrs. H,
(Bad grammar, for this English teacher, is synonymous with cuss words, wink wink.)
.......and with that,
the unruly, rangy, dirty blond locks,