Pay had her dad all to herself Sat. night. She was so excited when we told her she was spending one on one time with her good ole dad. She could hardly wait for Saturday. She had her outfit, where she wanted to go and what she wanted to do....planned for days!

They spent the evening having dinner, playing games at Game World, and enjoying ice-cream afterwards. (No, the matching outfits were not intended, but hey, I thought they looked pretty snazzy!)

Pay, I know how important it is that you spend quality time with your dad. I hope you'll always know how much he loves you and how special you are. I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see you build your relationship with him, and know that you love and adore him too.

Because....believe me, no one knows more than your mama, how important a special dad is in a girl's life!
I love you......MOM