My life is a bit overwhelming at the moment, and I am sure you can ALL relate. It's up at 6 to run, go all day long keeping up with the house, laundry, kids,
pre-school, piano, swimming, soccer, dinner, and bed-time routines, and everything else life is throwing at me. Then it's on the computer, up late, working away........ Avery, who thinks my camera is a toy, snapped this photo. It is the epitome of my life right now........

Oh, and mother nature isn't making things a whole lot better either. Here in Boise, the weather is bitter cold, and we've had quite a bit of snow lately too. Spring and warm weather would sure make things nice around here.

So, I was browsing through old photos last night and found these. I couldn't help but to think, "How utterly fantastic would it be to be there right now?!"

In the Virgin Islands, on St. Thomas, with him....

Enjoying those views....

Napping here, on a warm, white, sandy beach...
Breathing in fresh, floral scents...
Hanging out there....

Golfing here...

or should I say, having fun driving the golf cart and losing a LOT of balls in the ocean!

Watching and enjoying romantic sunsets there....

Basking in the warm sun and cooling off in the picturesque pool here....

Chowing on delicious, tropical food and sipping on lots and lots of virgin
pina coladas and strawberry

Doing a little island shopping there....

Wandering, oh so aimlessly here....

Having fun dressing like fools there.... (Winning a monetary prize, I might add, for the best costumes! Obviously the competition wasn't too stiff!)

All because he worked hard and won a big award!

Oh, I can promise you.......There isn't a trip like that planned in our near future. I do have a few lucky friends who are on their way to Hawaii this month. All I have to say is, "Hooray for you, Angie and
....because even though this girl LOVES her life and wouldn't trade it for the world,
She's currently....