This picture would lead you to believe my kids were having the best night ever dying eggs together, laughing it up....good times......

Truth be told..........someone farted! Lovely...aren't they?!

The Easter Bunny showed up Saturday morning. Pay and Owen were up signs of sleeping Avery yet.

The bunny brought Pay some food for her Baby Alive doll. I had a good laugh watching her feed her baby on the toilet! She's a multi-tasker like her mama.

Avery showed up an hour or so later. She was pretty excited about her stuffed bunny, which she ended up losing. We searched and searched the house for a day. Then Robert ran to Wal-Mart and bought her another. Sure enough the old bunny surfaced. His response to Avery when she asked with confusion about the two bunnies, "Wow! It must be an Easter miracle!" Good one, Bob!

Easter morning we spruced up the kids in their new spring, Easter outfits.

The dirty monkeys clean up nicely!
I am pretty much in love with these three kids. Holidays....and our lives in general are so much richer because of them. I really think this is my favorite stage in life so far.
April marks one year since we have been trying for another baby. I have had a rough few weeks. I am feeling sad and thinking we might be done, and I am not ready...because being their mom......has brought me my greatest joy.
Thank you, Payton, Avery, and Owen.