Tuesday, March 9, 2010

So I Don't Forget

Payton is...wanting to wear her Aeropostale hoodie every day, scoring goals in her soccer games, leaving her parents sweet notes on their pillows at night, practicing every recess for the talent show, "hanging" out with friends, reading in bed to her mama, crushing on boys, BUSY, rolling her eyes, craving Frosted Flakes cereal, tortured by her mom's Lite FM station, riding her bike to and from school, and loves to use dad's phone to text her cousin, Harlee.

Avery is... reading Dick and Jane, tieing her own shoes, scoring baskets in her basketball games, eating pounds of pickles, smothering her mama with hugs and kisses, riding her bike home from school with the big kids, having "missing my mom" meltdowns at church and Tavasi, has a bestie named Anna, is dramatic and can cry on a whim, addicted to Webkinz, wanting to trade Nelly for a Golden Retriever who can fetch a ball, and coloring up a storm.

Owen is... shy, wearing "basketball" shorts day and night, enjoying dribbling and shooting the basketball, whining A LOT, doing his own hair and using entirely too much goo, loving Mac- n- cheese and "hot sandwiches", swimming the backstroke, falling asleep often.. smack in the middle of the hard wood floor, doing flips on the tramp, glued to his dad's hip, is a reverent, little Sunbeam, writing his name, hating his mom's constant kisses, when he's not whining...he does a lot of laughing, and is reprimanded every day for pulling Nelly's ears.