....and just like that, the season closes.
The Broncos kicked some Ute booty tonight, and boy was I glad. The game was a bit closer than I had anticipated, and the first quarter was enough to give me a heart attack and send me into major "panic mode."
Never again, I say.
Never again do I stay home and wave good-bye as Bob and our "Bronco buddies" head out on the open road in pursuit of a bowl game. Me, without my game day posse, it just wasn't right. Lesson learned.....
I can't watch a big game without em'.
I called Bob and begged and pleaded for him to turn around, drive the enormous motor home back the 11 hours, and "pick this girl up!"
Ridiculous, I know, but it's the honest (and pathetic) truth.
I stayed because I couldn't fathom leaving my babes again. I didn't have the GUTS to ask anyone to tend them. It was so close to Christmas and I was nowhere near ready.......so I stayed, gave my ticket to Bob's little brother (Who I am so happy was able to go. There's NO bigger fan than J.!) and stayed.
I knew it was the right decision, but I have to admit, it KILLED me!
Graciously, I had a handful of offers from friends to join em' for the game. To each, I pleasantly declined. I knew, as to NOT embarrass myself, I had to watch the game at home, with only my kids, who other than Bob, family, and the "Bronco buddies", were used to this crazed, "cuckoo bird" fan standing the entirety of the game, pacing the floor, panicking, cussing, squealing, clapping, screaming and hoot hollering at all sorts of loud octavals.
Unfortunately, watching it alone, turned out pretty terrible too.
I'm sad it's all over. Bronco football is serious fun stuff. I guess all I can do now is anxiously await next year, all the while crossing my fingers for a perfect season, a big bowl game, and winning the lottery, so I can bring my kids along, join Bob, J., our "Bronco buddies" and whoever else gets a charge out of......
maniacal cheerin'
the Broncos to a victory.