Strep throat made its way through our house like a freight train. A bad tempered ear infection latched on to Avery, and the pitiful flu bug bit us all. The number of sheets I've changed and amount of times I've been puked and pooped on in the last few weeks, too many to count. Max and Owen still can't shake their coughs, and a peaceful, restful night of sleep....seems to be a thing of the past. Oh...Tis' the season!
The sun was shining and the weather was unusually warm today. I skipped eagerly to the mailbox, my one and only outing (besides taking the girls to and from school) and happily pulled out a stack of Christmas cards. There were names of old friends, old co-workers, past students of mine, family and friends all placed neatly on an array of envelopes. A tidal wave of emotions rolled over me as I carefully opened each one. Every face, every smile brought a memory, good memories and happy thoughts.
I can easily say receiving Christmas cards from family and friends old and new is one of my very favorite things. I love to be reminded of all those people out there, close and afar, whose presence in my life has meant something and who will always hold a BIG place in my heart. I also enjoy the opportunity I have to proudly display them, in all their glory, smiling merrily on a Christmas card, hanging from my front hallway door.
Ah, Christmas cards, thank you for being a bright spot in my seemingly dull day.
After all were opened I wandered into the office and dug through a mess of papers trying to locate our own Christmas cards from years past. I was able to find as many as 8 years back. I got a kick out of em' and had a grandiose plan to scan and post them here and under each one, add a clever remark, mostly just poking fun of Bob. O.K, ONLY poking fun of Bob! I'll have to save that post for another time, like when everyone around here is well, I can type with both hands freely (Max is on my lap at this very moment), and I don't have a million and one WAY more important things I should be doing.
It makes me wonder.....
Will that day ever come?!
Because I looooooooooooooooong for the day
that it does.