...but it wasn't!
I needed a book to help pass the time while Bob is away, so, after the kids were long asleep, and I didn't want to lay in bed listening for prowlers or scaring myself with every creek, crack, or movement of the house, I picked up Nicholas Spark's novel, Dear John. I must admit, his novels aren't usually my first choice for a read, but I thought it would be light, quick, easy and harmless. By harmless, I mean, it wouldn't have an effect on me. Because you see, I have been known to get too involved emotionally with a book. I get attached to the characters and actually feel their pain. That sounds ridiculous, and it is. A perfect example is that after reading, The Glass Castle, by Jeannette Walls, I cried for three straight days...pathetic, I know.
So, Nicholas Spark's books are pretty predictable. They're a little cliche as well. You know, the sweet, innocent girl meets the rough, rebellious guy, they fall in love and everything is great until some giant obstacle comes between them and their relationship. Dear John followed suit, but as I turned the pages, reading away.......I could't stop reading. I was HOOKED! I found myself really liking the characters, and even though the romance was a bit cheesy, it was exciting too. I must give credit because I think he does a fine job capturing just how giddy and nervous we all are when we fall in love, when we find that certain person who makes us weak, flushed, and incredibly happy. I loved reading about this young couple doing just that, and enjoyed thinking back at my own life, reflecting on the fun and excitement I experienced while falling in love.
So, I finished the book last night and it happened. I layed in my bed and cried. DAMNIT! I didn't want it to get to me, but it did. The book was sad and didn't end the way I wanted it to, but at the same time, it ended perfectly. I loved how the characters were so good, how they loved each other so deeply that they were completely un-selfish, which is so rare. I loved that book for the very reason that it reminded me once again that nothing in this world, materially, matters. It is only the relationships we have in this life that will bring us real joy. So, to work on them and devote ourselves to our loved ones (family, friends, neighbors, etc. ), should be our only concern.
This reminder was good for me. I needed it.......and it is something .......I really want to work on! I think I started too, because today on the phone Robert asked me why I was being so nice to him. I didn't tell him it was because of the sappy, romance novel I just read, which heightened my feelings for him and reminded me how lucky I was to be in love.
....but I think he knows!