It is hard to believe he's only been in our family for three years. Maybe because I just can't imagine life without him now.

Owen has been such a joy. He was the sweetest, best baby, and has continued to be that way today. He is shy but kind, loving and sweet. His heart is as big as the moon, and so is his smile.
Owen is all boy. He loves to play ball. He spends his days shooting hoop, throwing the football, hitting the hockey puck, fighting with swords, and wrestling. But, he has a feminine side too. He loves to have his finger and toe nails painted. Today he is sporting blue fingernails, and orange toe nails, Boise State colors, of course.
Owen is my buddy and when Pay and Aves are at school it is our time. I love having him around, and wish I could freeze him, so he'll stay my baby boy, side kick, attached to my hip, forever. Because when he asks me if he can have a blue alligator (gatorade) or if I will shamPOOP his hair, it makes me smile, and nothing makes me happier than grinning at my sweet boy.
So, hap, hap, Happy Birthday, Owen boy!
We're going to make this day super special.........just like you!
Love, love, love you much, my baby boy......Mama