Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Baumgartners 2009

Baumgartners is a camp ground up past Featherville in the Sawtooth wilderness area. It is one of the nicest, most fun, incredibly beautiful, campgrounds. When Robert's grandma was a little girl, her family camped in the mountains near Baumgartners. After she was married and had children of her own, she would take them camping there too. In fact, grandpa worked and couldn't always come, so she would take her three, young boys all by herself. They would fish all day and sleep under the stars at night. If it rained, they would crawl under the car to sleep where it was dry.

Well, those three boys grew up and had families of their own, and they continued to take them to Baumgartners too. So, back in the 70's the family decided to make the trip together, the entire extended family, the first week in August. To this very day, they have kept that tradition.

So, now it is Robert and his cousins too, with families of their own, grandpas and grandmas, aunts and uncles.....going to Baumgartners and enjoying the beautiful area and time together. Most of the family spend the entire week at camp. We never are able and always feel like our time there is too short, especially this year because it rained pretty much the entire few days we were there. When it wasn't raining, it was unusually cold. We didn't even get in the river this year. That was a first, and I had just learned to dive and was getting myself geared up for looking real cool, like the rest of the bunch, by diving off the rock this year! Boy did we get good use out of the hot spring pool. The kids swam and we adults pleasantly soaked up the warm water.

I love the Peterson family. They're a rare bunch of people who are so laid back, loving, giving, and just salt of the earth, GOOD people. I love that they have this family tradition. I love that it gives us an opportunity to visit and catch up. I love that when we get together it is as if no time has passed and we all enjoy each other's company, swimming, eating, gaming, and enjoying beautiful, Baumgartners together.

Here's looking forward to Baumgartners next year. May the sun shine and the weather be warm all week. May I get the GUTS up to dive off the rock, and may we somehow make it up for more than two nights!